Spring Flower Subscriptions

Making a change this year! Ruby has family obligations in the spring so she has decided to focus on spring flowers this year instead of seedlings.

Our favorite spring task… harvesting armloads of tulips!

We are also partnering with a local ceramic artist, Annette Minnick from Sugar Cube Pottery. She has designed some custom vases for us that will show off your flowers perfectly.

Check out all the available options; long subscriptions, short subscriptions, gift subscriptions. You can also add on delivery for the immediate area surrounding Cameron Park. Our favorite delivery last year was to a customer’s grandmother at our local nursing home, it was such a privilege to help bring a smile to her face.

We are at the will of Mother Nature, subscriptions have historically started near the end of February and will run about 7 or 8 weeks. You will be notified as soon as we have enough flowers to send out.

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